Background: It has long been recognized that bread making quality traits vary considerably as a result of genotype, environment and their interaction. The present study was aimed at determining the effect of cultivar, environment and their interaction on several bread making quality traits as well as to analyze relationship between these traits, Methods: Hundred forty wheat genotypes originated from 28 countries were grown in 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. Data of 9 bread making quality traits, protein content (PC), wet gluten content (WG), farinograph absorption (FA), farinograph dough development time (FD), farinograph quality number (FQU), resistance to extension (ER), falling number (FN), loaf volume (LV), and baking score (BS), were used to evaluate the effects of cultivar, environment and their interaction. The analysis of variance, ANOVA, and estimates of the components of variance due to genotype and genotype/environment interaction were calculated according to Comstock and Moll (1963). Heritability estimates were similar to those reported by Singh et al. (1993), Results: Both cultivar and cultivar by environment interaction had significant effects on all quality traits. Variances of quality traits associated with genetic factors (cultivar) were generally larger than those for cultivar by environmental interaction effects, Conclusion: The dominant effect of the cultivar in total variance is probably due to the wide range of bread making quality traits in the examined cultivar set.
Denčić, S. , Mladenov, N. and Kobiljski, B. (2012). Effects of genotype and environment on breadmaking quality in wheat. International Journal of Plant Production, 5(1), 71-82. doi: 10.22069/ijpp.2012.721
Denčić, S. , , Mladenov, N. , and Kobiljski, B. . "Effects of genotype and environment on breadmaking quality in wheat", International Journal of Plant Production, 5, 1, 2012, 71-82. doi: 10.22069/ijpp.2012.721
Denčić, S., Mladenov, N., Kobiljski, B. (2012). 'Effects of genotype and environment on breadmaking quality in wheat', International Journal of Plant Production, 5(1), pp. 71-82. doi: 10.22069/ijpp.2012.721
S. Denčić , N. Mladenov and B. Kobiljski, "Effects of genotype and environment on breadmaking quality in wheat," International Journal of Plant Production, 5 1 (2012): 71-82, doi: 10.22069/ijpp.2012.721
Denčić, S., Mladenov, N., Kobiljski, B. Effects of genotype and environment on breadmaking quality in wheat. International Journal of Plant Production, 2012; 5(1): 71-82. doi: 10.22069/ijpp.2012.721